Parallax, rotation and motion, pulsation, animation on spawn, fixation on screen
Animate in flexible block
Liven up your projects!
Animate any element in flexible block and make your website more interactive. It will impress users!
Add element in flexible block, open settings, in «Parallax» select one of the variants and apply settings.
Choose how parallax will be displayed: on moving the cursor, on scroll or speed change on scroll. Set the X and/or Y values. Adjust parallax on mobile. 
*Parallax is the displacement of an object. Thanks to this effect, we can see objects in volume and not only.
*Parallax is the displacement of an object. Thanks to this effect, we can see objects in volume and not only.
Parallax on moving the cursor*
*Is not displayed on mobile. On mobile, you can apply parallax on scroll or speed change on scroll.
Speed change on scroll
In flexible block add an element, open settings, in «Rotation and motion» select an appropriate animation and apply settings.
Rotation and motion
Set the speed, type and center of rotation. Click on the "Play" button to see the result.
Set the direction, distance, speed and type of the movement. Click on the "Play" button to see the result.
Motion example
In flexible block add an element, open settings, in «Pulsation» select an appropriate animation and apply settings.
Customize state #1 and 2: set the transparency, duration and time to transition to the next state for each of them.
Click on the "Play" button to see the result.
Pulsation examples
In flexible block add an element, open settings, in «Animation on spawn» select an appropriate animation and apply settings.
Animation on spawn
Set up all the elements in the block that you want to animate. Click on the "Play" or "Play All" button to see the result.
Set the duration, distance, delay and bottom padding.
trip to baikal lake
Example of animation
 on spawn
10.01– 13.01 💛
Traveling to the most beautiful lake in the world
Group of 5 people + 
3 organizers and 2 cars
Financial gratitude
In flexible block add an element, open settings, in «Fixation on screen» select an appropriate variant and apply settings.
Fixation on screen
Set padding and fixation distance in pixels. Elements fixation works on computers only. Viewing is possible out of the control system
How we work
You fill an application on our website. In the form you can specify convenient date and preferable way to contact you
We contact you in the specified way
Together we define the products you are interested in
We provide a list of products selected according to individual requirements
We conform the purchase if you approve it
We deliver the goods to the specified address at a convenient time
! Fixing to the screen does not appear on mobile. Therefore, we offer just to see how the block is adapted :)
Liven up your website:
try out Bazium animation 
All photos used here are from